Best damage hero in marvel rivals

Every multiplayer video game has a strong character—one that stands above the rest and gives players an advantage over their opponents. Some of these characters become so overpowered that they even get banned from tournaments. In Tekken 7, that character was Akuma, who was eventually removed from competitive play.
Similarly, in Super Smash Bros., Pikachu has always been seen as a top-tier pick, while in shooting games, balancing is more refined, but some characters still manage to stand out as overpowered. For example, Rainbow Six Siege had Blackbeard, who was considered a one-man army, and in Valorant, Reyna was so dominant that her abilities had to be heavily nerfed to balance the game.
When it comes to competitive hero shooters, which are still growing in the esports scene, we have also seen overpowered characters emerge. In Overwatch 2, Mauga is still considered broken, while in Marvel Rivals, we haven’t found a completely broken hero yet. However, as players get better at the game and the meta develops, certain characters might start to feel stronger than others.
That’s why many competitive players look for ways to stay ahead, whether by grinding ranked matches or using Marvel Rivals boosting services to reach higher tiers faster. These services can help you bypass the struggles of lower ranks, allowing you to compete at a level where strategies are more refined and skill truly shines.
So in this blog, I’m going to pick the top three best damage-class heroes in Marvel Rivals to determine which one stands out the most. But before that, you might wonder why I chose duelists for this analysis. The reason is simple: duelists are the hardest to balance since they rely on high-impact abilities and aggressive playstyles, making them the most likely to become overpowered or underpowered over time.
The first on the list is Wolverine and he is a hyper-aggressive duelist with one of the best damaging kits in the game. He is best against pushing vanguards and taking them down single-handedly. Wolverine is a certified “tank Killer. His primary fires work well in close ranges. So if you want to play as him you do have to be nearby of your enemy. Now let’s talk about his abilities a little bit and how they make him one of the strongest duelists in the game.
Primary and secondary attack:
So as i have said earlier his primary attack which is his claws works best in close combat scenarios since they are really fast and spamming them is easier then aiming them precisely. His secondary attack which is a fast dash works well to cover short distances. With an average speed of 44m and 3m range you can’t cover much distance but you could use it to survive an ult or you could use it to push an enemy off balance.
As a duelist, his passive is great because it makes a strong independent duelist who does not need any medics. After getting hit you just have to remove yourself from fights for a minute and you’ll gain back your health with increased damage. But if you have built up your rage this passive will also increase your damaging ability.
Wolverine’s ultimate consists of knocking down the enemies by being an aerial spiral. His ultimate is a squad wiper with its 8-meter range 50 hp damage and the stun ability to knockout enemies. Making it perfect to perform in the last second of the round to shove the enemies out of the objective.
The next on the list is Punisher and he has the highest damage per shot in the game. Which makes him a worthy addition to this list. Similarly to Wolverine punisher is also an all-out duelist and he also does not rely on medics for heals or tanks to make space for him. Since he is a precise aimer hero you do have to be good at aiming to effectively use him which makes him a high-skill ceiling hero. So if you are someone who is a good aimer and trying to get into Marvel rivals punisher might be a good pick for you. Since Marvel Rivals is a complex and hard game most beginners can not rank up in the game. Now the easiest way to achieve the rank of your dream in marvel rivals is to get a rank boost marvel rivals will allow you to get the best rank in the game with the easiest route. So let’s discuss his kit a bit so we know why he is so good as a duelist.
Primary and secondary attack:
Punisher is one of the most beginner-friendly heroes in the sense that he has an assault rifle which the player has to only aim towards the enemy and shoot. This simplifies the hero for them his assault rifle is a hit scan and does damage for 10hp and a fall of range of 8 meters. The deliverance also has a critical hit ability. So if you land a headshot you are going to do a lot more damage than a mere 10hp. His secondary attack consists of a smoke grenade which does damage for about 45hp if an enemy stays in it. The range of the grenade is about 5 meters Making it perfect to hold choke points.
His passive is a legit wallhack for a short time. so whenever an enemy goes out sight punisher can see them behind the walls and terrain for almost 3 seconds. Although the range of his legal “wallhack” is only thirty meters. So for 3 seconds, you can have a wall hack for 30 meters of range Which can come in clutch in close combat scenarios.
Punisher’s Ultimate is exceptional because he alone can clear out any site with his two gattling guns and missiles which makes His Ultimate a true X factor in team fights. Punisher also has one of the longest ultimates in the game because it spans over 10s while also providing 50 hp damage through a single rocket and 10 damage per shot with a Gatling gun. Since the fire rate of gattling guns is so high the enemies just don’t have anything to answer for it.
Last on the list is Hela and she is considered the best duelist in the game as of right now. She is the goddess of death and she commands over unlimited soldiers of the undead army. She has a straightforward forward which allows her to utilize her damaging ability from both mid to long-range targets. Apart from that her kit allows her to move in and out of position pretty swiftly. But apart from having a simple kit her skill ceiling is high since she needs precise aiming and good positioning to be any good. So if you’re a beginner I wouldn’t suggest you go with her.
Apart from precise aiming any one who wants to play as her needs to have good game and map sense. Her entire kit is based on agility and quick killings and since she is a duelist and does not have much hp to work with killing her is not that hard Now for her kit we have gotten.
Primary and secondary fire:
Her primary fire consists of a single cast hit scan nightsword thorns which means as soon as you shoot your shot will pierce through the enemy. The damage on it is an impressive 70hp so if you hit the enemy two times you are going to it or if you manage to land a headshot then one hit would be enough. Her secondary attract how ever consist of the same blades but they detonate them selves after a delay. The damage on them is not that great since they only do damage for about 10 hp which is not even enough to do anything but if you manage to stick every single one of them to a half-hp enemy the amount of damage could be decent enough to kill it.
Her passive is kind of a cool one. So After killing an enemy a crow spawns on the carcass of the enemy and it explodes just after 2 seconds dealing almost 80 hp damage. Now if you manage to kill two enemies in a squad fight then this crow damage would be enough to kill the thrid enemy without even trying.
The goddess of death is her ultimate which allows her to grow into a giant size and her primary fire becomes a Nastrond crow which she can aim at anything of her will and this giant crow does damage for 125 hp. Apart from that her health also increased by 1000 hp. The duration of her giant size is almost 10 seconds which is enough to kill a squad or get back objective site.